What Time Is It?



Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem / In the Name of The Creator, The Benevolent, The Most Merciful


This seems like a rhetorical question... but it isn't as I am talking about the Creator's time, not world time.

The problem is that most people are fast asleep while the HOUR is on us!


The HOUR is the time JUST BEFORE THE END OF THIS WORLD. Shortly the last spasms of the world will be felt everywhere and mankind will be rudely awaken to the reality of Judgment Day!

Quoting a parable of Jesus (Isa peace be upon him) from the Bible (Injeel) Gospel according to Matthew chapter 25 verse 1 to 13:

1. "At that time of the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

2. Five of them were foolish and five of them were wise.

3. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.

4. The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.

5. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

6. At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!'

7. Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.

8. The foolish ones said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil, our lamps are going out.'

9. 'No,' they replied, 'there may not be enough for both of us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.'

10. But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

11. Later the others also came. 'Sir! Sir!' they said. 'Open the door for us!'

12. But he replied, 'I tell you the truth, I don't know you.'

13. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."


Many interpretations has been given to this, but here is mine.

1. The virgins are those faithful ones in the church / temples / mosques today.

2. The wise ones are those whose hearts are sincere and follow the will of the Creator precisely as instructed.

3. The foolish ones are those who are there just for show. They might not realize it, but their intentions are WRONG.

4. The bridegroom is the Creator who knows our inner intentions too well. (That is why HE could say, "I know you not.")

5. The announcer is the Angel of the Hour.

6. The oil is our intentions. If your intentions are right and you are sincere in your religious ways, you are WISE. If not, you are FOOLISH.

7. The bridegroom tarries. Why? Because HE wants to give everyone a chance.

8. The virgins fall asleep. The sleep is a symbol of the current condition of the world.

9. The reason the wise virgins could not help the foolish ones is due to the fact that we cannot live another's life and don't know the other's true intentions.


Again quoting from the words of Jesus Gospel according to Matthew chapter 24 - list of signs only:

1. Many false prophets / leaders.

2. Wars and rumors of wars.

3. Famines.

4. Earthquakes.

5. Persecution and death because of your faith.

6. Falling out of faith.

7. Betrayals and hatred.

8. Increasing wickedness.

9. Love for the truth grows cold.

10. Preaching of the truth, irrespective of religion, will be to "the end of the earth".

11. Abomination that causes desolation - predicted by Daniel (Danel AS).

12. People fleeing for their life.

Again, my interpretations are not the same as most done so far.

1. We have seen many false prophets and leaders. Even today many people claim to be the Messiah, the Chosen One and there are others that are in leadership positions due to greed and jealousy.

2. Wars and rumors of wars. There are wars everywhere. Just Google "War today" and see how many are there!

3. Famines. Everywhere people are going hungry and more so now with the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. Earthquakes. The earth is literally trembling every second of the day. Again Google "Earthquakes today" and see how many there are really!

5. Persecution and death because of your faith. Muslims, Christian, Jews and other religious persons are persecuted and killed for what they believe.

6. Falling out of faith. Many became agnostic because they don't know what to believe anymore. Seekers are getting lost because false religions are proclaimed everywhere.

7. Betrayals and hatred. Because of sin many people has fallen for the spirit of hatred and lies.

8. Increasing wickedness. Again, the spirit of lies and hatred are ruling more and more in the world.

9. Love for the truth grows cold. Because so many lies are published on the internet and in book form, many people don't know the truth, and sin and the Evil One prevails.

10. Preaching of the truth, irrespective of religion, will be to "the end of the earth". Here I disagree with the interpretation. "The end of the earth" is not a place, but a time. We are in that time already!

11. Abomination that causes desolation - predicted by Daniel (Danel AS) in Daniel chapter 9 verse 27. This is a specific idol that would reappear in Israel and put in the temple by the Antichrist / False Messiah. This ultimate false prophet will also declare the Jewish festivals null and void and force people to worship him and his idol. That is, the desolation would be regarding the original JEWISH FESTIVALS that would no longer be allowed in Jerusalem at the temple site. 

12. People fleeing for their life. How many refugees there are in the world? Too many to mention!

Muslims, I haven't forgotten you. Quoting from a commentary on the Hadith of Mohammad (SAW) (Al Mahdi and the End of Time by Muhammad ibn 'Izzat & Muhammad 'Arif, Dar Altaqwa Ltd.) with added commentaries by myself, many of them from my e-book. You can receive the complete e-book by registering for my newsletter on this page.

1. Stay-at-home trial. (This the current lockdowns around the world for the COVID-19 virus which would introduce a New World Order where the governments are in absolute control.)

2. Few men will have knowledge of the true religion but many will recite the holy Books.

3. Banks will all subject to usury while Mohammad - peace and blessings upon him - has abolished it. Even so-called Sharia banks are under control of the World Bank which are a bank using usury.

4. Lack of trustworthiness.

5. The abasement of Arabs and Islam. (The world are made to believe they are terrorists and idol worshipers.)

6. The estrangement of Islam. (Many believe Islam and idol worship are the same.)

7. Refusal to judge according to the laws revealed by the Creator. (How many corrupt judges are there in the world???)

8. Skyscrapers.

9. The shortening of time. Years will feel like months, months like weeks, weeks like days, days like hours and hours like a few minutes...

10. Many earthquakes (and they will be increasing in quantity and intensity).

11. Muslims will start imitate the West. (They were instructed to behave and dress in a specific way, but "modern Muslims" look and act more and more like the placid world inhabitants!)

12. Women who are clothed but are naked. (Their clothing is of such a nature that you can see everything.)

13. Killer airplanes and terror associated by them. (These acts of terrorism are performed not by Muslims as many belief, but by a "third force" - a common enemy of both countries involved that wants them to believe it is the other country involved. Many of these terrorists are acting as if they belong to a specific religion, but they are not. Like many prophets - peace be upon them - say, "From their fruits you will know them.")

14. Recording machines.

15. Spying devices.

16. Wild beasts speaking. (Makes me think about Disney’s children movies like The Lion King…)

17. The learned will be removed from society so that only the ignorant remain.

18. A time will come when the majority of people will be European. (The COVID-19 has an ability to attack certain races easier than other ones. Google it!)

19. Lies will be accepted as truth and truth as lies. The treacherous will be trusted and the trusted will be thought treacherous. And unrighteous will speak about public affairs.

20. Unbelievers will start reciting the holy Books without living the associated life.

21. Old idols are worshiped again. (One of them will be re-erected in Jerusalem by the False Messiah / Antichrist.)

22. Abundance of wealth will be that there will be none to benefit from the tithe or the zakat. (New World Order benefiting everyone as long as they stick to the rules?)

23. There will be 40 to 50 women for every man.

24. Fornication, even in the middle of the street for all to see.

25. Alcoholism.

26. Music will become overwhelming. (Music was abolished by Mohammad (SAW)as it is associated with Satan, except for reciting the Quran in a melodious voice and beating the duff drum for festivals and marriages.)

27. People would wish to be dead rather than alive and able to praise the Creator.

28. Insincerity in pilgrimage (Hajj/Umrah). (Instead of for the Creator and to get nearer to Him, it will be done for show.)

29. Prayers will be insincerely and boastfully instead of humbly.

30. Prayers will be done while in an unclean (spiritually impure) state.

31. Everybody follow the innovations of the forefathers instead of what is revealed to the prophets - peace be upon them.

32. Gold will be found in the Euphrates. (Gold artifacts has been uncovered in March 2009. Full report at http://www.npr.org/templates/story.php?storyId=102184336 - read it!).

33. Income derived from unclean sources. (Drugs, gambling, etc.)

34. Fellow believers cannot be trusted.

35. Booty becomes common property.

36. Trusts are treated as booty.

37. Donations (zakat or tithe) is treated as a fine.

38. A man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother.

39. A man is amiable to his friend and harsh to his father.

40. Voices are raised in religious buildings (mosques, churches, temples).

41. The leader of the people are the worst of them.

42. A man is honored out of fear of what he could do.

43. Silk is a common material worn by men and women alike.

44. The last in the community cursed the first.

45. Sexually transmitted diseases becomes incurable (AIDS).

46. The appearance of black banners in the East.

And as everyone can see this have ALL already happened. And these signs are the precursor for the appearance of both the False Messiah / Antichrist and the Mahdi who is the coming leader for the Muslims and precursor for the Prince of Peace who would reign 1,000 prophetic years (i.e. MOON years not SOLAR years). 


The questions left are with so many evidences around us of the times we are in:

Are we ready for the Creator and the blessed Millennium?

Are our intentions serving HIM, right?

If not, there is precious little time left! 

Prepare yourself for the end, NOW! 

May we meet in Paradise on the Other Side!